Children’s Therapy

When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things
— Walt Disney

I offer children’s counselling for young people age 8 and up.

I work with children in a variety ways including using sand, puppets, drawing, painting, game playing and story telling and writing.

Just like adults, children can find life overwhelming and confusing at times. Maybe there has been an event that has caused a change in the young person’s thinking and feeling, or perhaps not, but either way, I will aim to get into your child’s frame of reference by listening to them and forming a relationship with them based on where they are.

I have over 15 years of experience of working with children and an enhanced DBS check. When working with children, unless there is a safeguarding concern, their confidentiality is upheld in the same way as my adult clients.

I have worked with children with a variety of diagnoses such as Autism, OCD, attachment disorders, eating disorders and self harming behaviours.

I passionately believe that given the space, respect and tools they need and deserve, children can understand their mental health needs and be able to express them in a productive and safe way as they grow and become adults.